
Image of students working in news studioImage of college students receiving feedback from teacherSide view of tv news studio from window

Welcome to WalTV! The student managed TV station at Waldorf University in Forest City, Iowa. Feel free to browse around our site and see what our students are working on from TV commercials, short films, broadcast journalism and more! You can watch us live on Channel 55 if you’re in the area or online doing our live broadcasts on live stream. 


Broadcast News

WalTV is the home of WalTV news, where our Broadcast Journalism courses work in a live production studio environment delivering the news thursday nights at 7pm eastern on their cable access channel, 55 or online on live stream!

Film Production

Not only is WalTV committed to broadcast and TV production, we have had our fair share on films that have been produced through our program using the latest equipment such as RODE gear, Canon DSLR cameras and RED.

TV Production

In the realms of WalTV, this is where our students get their start from the first day they arrive on campus. Students work as a team and collaborate with other departments within Waldorf University and the community to create commercials, promotional videos and much more!


With Broadcast as well as TV/Film Production being the vast majority of WalTV, we also create promotional pieces with the use of graphics/animation software including Adobe After Effects and Blender which we also incorporate in our productions in the terms of visual effects.